REVISED AGENDA: Council - Committee of the Whole Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers and by Videoconference
97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood ON

Sustainable, Connected, Vibrant
"Collingwood is an inclusive community that offers a healthy and active lifestyle in a beautiful waterfront setting, anchored by a responsible government, strong business and nonprofit networks, and an animated downtown"

This meeting can be viewed on Rogers TV at or on the Town of Collingwood - Municipal Meeting YouTube channel for those not able to attend in person. 



For more than 15,000 years, the First Nations walked upon, and cared for, the lands we now call home. Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Ojibwe, and many others who were families, friends, and communities, the way we are today. The Town of Collingwood acknowledges the Lake Simcoe-Nottawasaga Treaty of 1818 and the relationship it establishes with the original inhabitants of Turtle Island. We acknowledge the reality of our shared history, and the current contributions of Indigenous people within our community. We seek to continue empowering expressions of pride amongst all of the diverse stakeholders in this area. We seek to do better, and to continue to recognize, learn, and grow, in friendship and community, Nation-to-Nation.


  • Recommendation:

    THAT the content of the Council-Committee of the Whole Agenda for January 13, 2025 be adopted as amended:

    • Addition of Item 11.1 M.Rich re: Disclosure of Collingwood Blues Contract
    • Addition of Item 14.2.1 2025 Budget Draft 4 Staff Report



Note: In accordance with the Council Code of Conflict, Procedural By-law and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, Council members must file with the Clerk a written statement of the conflict, for inclusion on the Conflict of Interest Registry.







If you wish to participate virtually, please view the meeting using the following link:

Or Telephone: 1-647-558-0588 or 1-647-374-4685

Webinar ID: 873 2620 1413
Passcode: 804717

The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to establish site-specific zoning provisions to facilitate a proposed future Consent application to create two residential lots for single detached dwellings.

The effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is:

  1. To rezone a portion of the subject property from Residential First Density (R1) to a Residential First Density Exception XX (R1-XX) Zone to establish site-specific provisions to permit a reduction of the required minimum lot area from 1,400 square metres to 873 square meters and a reduction of the required minimum lot frontage from 20 metres to 13 metres for a single detached dwelling; and
  2. To rezone a portion of the subject property from Residential First Density (R1) to a Residential First Density Exception XX (R1-XX) Zone to establish site-specific provisions to permit a reduction of the required minimum lot area from 1,400 square metres to 867 square meters and a reduction of the required minimum lot frontage from 20 metres to 12.91 metres for a single detached dwelling.

See notice for more details. 


  • Recommendation:

    THAT the minutes of Council-Committee of the Whole meeting held December 16, 2024 (excluding Committee of the Whole recommendations), Special Council meeting held December 20, 2024 and Special Council meeting held January 6, 2025, be approved as presented.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT the Committee of the Whole recommendations from its meeting held December 16, 2024 contained within the December 16, 2024, Council minutes be hereby approved as presented.

    • T2024-27 2025 Municipal Budget Draft Three
    • C2024-11 Administrative Monetary Penalty System
    • PW2024-15 Accessible Taxi Survey, Outcome and Recommendation
    • PRC2024-07 Multi Use Recreation Centre Feasibility Assessment Steering Committee Options
    • Reports/Minutes of Other Committees and Boards





General Correspondence Items: A general correspondence list can be viewed on the Town of Collingwood website at Correspondence List includes items considered as bulk communications not specific to the Town of Collingwood and is of a general nature, and are not included in the Consent Agenda below.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council herein receive the General Consent Agenda;

    AND FURTHER THAT the information and opinions provided in the General Consent Agenda Items are that of the author(s) and are not verified or approved as being correct. 



County Council agendas and minutes can be found on the Simcoe County Council Portal (first meeting of the month).




  • Recommendation:

    WHEREAS the Town of Collingwood’s Strategic Plan states the “prioritization of the speed and safety components of the Master Mobility and Transportation to support a people centric approach to transportation”, the Town strives “to offer residents and visitors a healthy lifestyle of activities in beautiful and safe settings,” and outlines the intent of the Town of Collingwood to deliver a Traffic Calming Study and policy; 
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council request Staff to facilitate a presentation to Council on Red Light Camera Enforcement technology for information purposes either in conjunction with the Automatic Speed Enforcement presentation or a later date in the near future, in preparation of the outcome of the Master Mobility and Transportation Plan. 



Public engagement and discussion is encouraged under this section of the agenda with any recommendations being ratified at the next meeting. The public are able to address the Committee on any staff report following the presentation by staff and allowed 5 minutes to speak.

If you wish to participate virtually, please view the meeting using the following link:
Or Telephone: 1-647-558-0588 or 1-647-374-4685
Webinar ID: 873 2620 1413
Passcode: 804717

This link allows you to participate in the ZOOM Webinar as a participant. Please ensure you have good connectivity and audio functionality on the device (smartphone, laptop, tablet, etc.) you will be using. Depending on your device you may need to download the ZOOM App ahead of the meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council herein move into Committee the Whole Session.



During budget discussions, notice of motion is not required for motions pertaining to the 2025 Budget, and further, any decided matter can be reviewed without the requirement of the formal rules of procedure for reconsideration.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Staff Report T2025-01, 2025 Budget Draft Four, be received;

    AND THAT a By-Law to approve the 2025 budget be drafted for consideration at the next meeting.

*presentation to be provided by Planning Partnership Consultants

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Staff Report P2025-01, “Zoning By-law Update – Strategic Directions Report and Engagement Summary Report”, dated January 13, 2025, be received;  

    AND THAT Council endorse the Strategic Directions and Engagement Summary Report dated January 7, 2025 and attached to this Report as Appendix B to act as a guiding framework for the preparation of a new draft comprehensive zoning by-law for the Town of Collingwood;

    AND THAT Council acknowledges the overall Zoning By-law Update project may be delayed until appeals to the 2024 Collingwood Official Plan are scoped and/or resolved.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Staff Report C2025-01, Designation of Municipally Significant Events Policy, be received;  

    AND THAT Council approve the Designation of Municipally Significant Events Policy as provided in Appendix A of the report. 



Unregistered deputations are provided 5 minutes to address Committee.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT the following minutes of Other Committees and Boards be received and the recommendations contained be approved:

    • Collingwood Downtown BIA Board of Management - November 14, 2024
    • Trails and Active Transportation Advisory Committee - November 14, 2024
    • Accessibility Advisory Committee - November 21, 2024 






  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council herein rise from Committee of Whole and return to the regular Council meeting.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT By-law No. 2025-005, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the regular meeting of Council held January 13, 2025, be enacted and passed this 13 day of January, 2025.


No Item Selected