Councillor Jeffery provided the following notice of motion for consideration at the next meeting:
WHEREAS Collingwood Council unanimously declared a Climate Crisis in October 2019 to demonstrate the Town's commitment to protecting the community, economy, and ecosystems from the effects of climate change.
AND WHEREAS Climatic changes can result in a variety of unintended consequences.
AND WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) under its climate initiatives support programming in the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) has available a Community Efficiency Funding (CEF) grant.
AND WHEREAS the CEF is funding to complete a feasibility study for the development of a Home Energy Loan Program, for which the funding application and the feasibility study is proposed to be prepared in partnership with the Clean Air Partnership (CAP).
AND WHEREAS the CEF grant requires a municipal contribution of 20% of the total $50,000 cost which is refundable.
AND WHEREAS it is necessary to establish third party lending as part of the feasibility.
AND WHEREAS the Town of Collingwood has a Climate Change Specialist on staff to implement Town initiatives.
AND WHEREAS the Town of Collingwood has available to it a dedicated, committed and resourceful volunteer organization in the Collingwood Climate Action Team (CCAT).
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct that an application by the Town of Collingwood in partnership with the Clean Air Partnership be made to the Community Efficiency Funding grant to complete a feasibility study to develop a Home Energy Loan Program.