Council Chambers and by Videoconference
97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood ON
Council Present:
  • Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
  • Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
  • Councillor Kathy Jeffery
  • Councillor Deb Doherty
  • Councillor Brandon Houston
  • Councillor Chris Potts
  • Councillor Rob Ring
  • Councillor Christopher Baines
  • Councillor Steve Perry
Staff Present:
  • Sonya Skinner, CAO
  • Sara Almas, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Amanda Pegg, Executive Director, Customer and Corporate Services
  • Karen Cubitt, Director, Parks Recreation and Culture
  • Peggy Slama, Director, Public Works and Engineering
  • Summer Valentine, Director of Planning, Building and Economic Development
  • Jennifer Graham, Acting Director of Finance

“Collingwood is a responsible, sustainable, and accessible community that leverages its core strengths: a vibrant downtown, a setting within the natural environment, and an extensive waterfront. This offers a healthy, affordable, and four-season lifestyle to all residents, businesses, and visitors.” 



Mayor Hamlin called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and Councillor Jeffery provided the recognition and acknowledgement of the traditional territory of the Indigenous peoples.


  • RES-407-2024
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT the content of the Council-Committee of the Whole Agenda for September 9th, 2024 be adopted as presented.




Deputy Mayor declared a non-pecuniary code of conduct disqualifying interest regarding agenda item 15.2.1 being Staff Report P2024-22 - Draft Plan Approval Extension Request Regional Commercial District noting that he has a sibling with ownership of a company identified as a proponent on the plan of subdivision for the subject property. 



Council reported on various community announcements and events.











Clerk Almas confirmed that the minutes of the Council meeting held July 29 have been amended to reflect the declared conflicts of Councillor Potts and Councillor Jeffery and confirmed they were not present for discussion regarding the Collingwood Blues Tenancy Agreement or the vote on Resolution No. RES-401-2024. 

  • RES-408-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Steve Perry

    THAT the minutes of Special Council Meetings held July 29, 2024 be approved as amended and August 1, 2024 be approved as presented.





Integrity Commissioner Janice Atwood briefed Council on the role of Principles Integrity and the investigation surrounding the complaint brought forward regarding citizen appointee Nigel O’Neill, a member of the Committee of Adjustment and Property Standards Appeal Committee, reviewed the recommendations contained in the report for Council's consideration and the disciplinary role of Council. Janice Atwood and Clerk Almas took questions and received comments from Council. 

  • RES-409-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Christopher Baines
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Council receive the Integrity Commissioners report dated September 3, 2024; and approve the following Integrity Commissioner Recommendation:

    1) Revoke Mr. Nigel O'Neill's appointment from the Committee of Adjustment/Property Standards Committee.










Director Valentine provided an update regarding the Poplar Health and Wellness Village Development and addressed questions from Council.  

Director Valentine provided an OLT Update and addressed questions regarding the following appeals: 580/590 Sixth Street and Huntingwood Trails. 

Director Valentine provided an update on amendments to the Emergency Management Plan as it pertains to Heritage Buildings to allows for the Chief Building Official to issue an unsafe building order of a Heritage Building and the Town can call upon a qualified heritage professional to assist with the Order.  Director Valentine noted additional enhancements will be coming forward in the 2025 budget for Council consideration. 



Mayor Hamlin and Deputy Mayor Fryer referenced Item 12.3 - Georgian Triangle Development Institute re: Letter to Province requesting funding for Water Treatment Plant Expansion and noted appreciation to the Development Community.

  • RES-410-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Brandon Houston
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    THAT Council herein receive the General Consent Agenda as listed below;


    AND FURTHER THAT the information and opinions provided in the General Consent Agenda Items are that of the author(s) and are not verified or approved as being correct. 






  • RES-411-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    WHEREAS the Town of Collingwood promotes amongst other characteristics a healthy lifestyle and accountable decision-making to provide excellent services;

    AND WHEREAS the Collingwood Council is committed to openness and transparency and have restructured the Town of Collingwood’s Committee Structure with a view to communicating with and hearing from residents with respect to matters of concern to them and perhaps not specifically covered under day-to-day operational planning lists;

    AND WHEREAS the occupants of 31 Ste Marie Street have brought to the Town of Collingwood Council and staff’s attention on numerous occasions the unsafe conditions for egress from their medical services location on Ste Marie Street;

    AND WHEREAS staff’s recommendation to Council re lining of Ste Marie Street to narrow lanes in an attempt to slow traffic are not making a difference for the occupants of 31 Ste. Marie Street;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council herein direct staff to remove the parking meter previously bagged and necessary to clear the egress sightlines for the laneway;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council herein direct staff to have the space signed as no parking and marked with yellow diagonal lines clearly messaging no parking. 


Deputy Mayor Fryer noted a couple minor 'friendly' amendments prior to putting the motion on the floor.  

  • RES-412-2024
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT Council of the Town of Collingwood further submit to the Provincial Standing Committee facilitating the Regional Review for Simcoe County, that Council believes that the provision of Water and Wastewater Services should continue to be provided by Collingwood;

    AND FURTHER THAT a copy of this resolution also be forwarded to MPP Saunderson, County of Simcoe, fellow member Simcoe County Municipalities and others as deemed appropriate.  




Committee recessed at 3:53 p.m. and resumed at 4:00 p.m.

  • RES-413-2024
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council herein move into Committee the Whole Session.



  • Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer declared a conflict on this item. (Deputy Mayor declared a non-pecuniary code of conduct disqualifying interest regarding agenda item 15.2.1 being Staff Report P2024-22 - Draft Plan Approval Extension Request Regional Commercial District noting that he has a sibling with ownership of a company identified as a proponent on the plan of subdivision for the subject property. ;)

Deputy Mayor Fryer left the meeting due to his previously declared conflict.

Director Valentine provided Committee with introductory comments regarding the Draft Plan Approval extension request for the Regional Commercial District (RCD) 20 High Street and 530 Third Street (D12020424). Community Planner Stone briefed Committee on the file history and status, reviewed site-specific considerations and recommendation for Council's consideration to approve the request for extension for a period of 18 months with the rationale to allow time for the MMTP to be completed, Official Plan amended, and the proposal to be redesigned, as required. 

Staff took questions and received comments from Council regarding the status of the development proposed at Third Street and High Street; whether this draft plan approval extension impacts moving forward with the proposed development; consideration to let time lapse; whether the owner is working on this project currently; and the impact of changing the use of the property. 

  • RES-414-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Steve Perry
    Seconded by:Councillor Brandon Houston

    THAT Staff Report P2024-22, “Draft Plan Approval Extension Request – Regional Commercial District”, dated September 9, 2024, be received; 

    AND THAT Council approve an 18-month extension of Draft Approval for the Plan of Subdivision – Regional Commercial District (D12020424), including amendments to the associated conditions of draft plan approval as appended to this Report, to allow the completion of the Town of Collingwood Master Mobility and Transportation Plan and redesign of the Draft Approved Plan as required.

  • RES-415-2024
    Moved by:Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Staff Report P2024-22, “Draft Plan Approval Extension Request – Regional Commercial District”, dated September 9, 2024, be received; 

    AND THAT Council approve the Draft Plan Approval Extension Request to lapse. 


    Deputy Mayor Fryer returned to the meeting at this time. 

Clerk Almas briefed Committee on the background of the Proposed Town-Initiated Zoning By-law Amendment and the Town's Collingwood Short-Term Accommodation Licensing Program Implementation and its phased implementation plan approach and timeline targets. Senior Planner Wukasch discussed the requirements surrounding the proposed zoning by-law amendment and briefed Committee on comments received to date.  Senior Planner Wukasch noted changes made based on consultation, provided a planning analysis and confirmed next steps. 

Staff answered questions from Committee regarding 'renters code-of-conduct and how administratively concerns are dealt with when brought forward; that the Affordable Housing Task Force recognizes that STA's exist and the need to ensure they are regulated and rules enforced; and the number of STA's within the community and how they can become part of the Town's housing supply. 

  • RES-416-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    THAT Staff Report P2024-23, “Municipally Initiated Short-Term Accommodation Zoning By-law Amendment” dated September 9, 2024, be received;

    AND THAT the amending Zoning By-law, attached as Appendix A to this Report be enacted and passed concurrently with the upcoming Staff Report and By-law for the Final STA Phase 2, to be considered by Committee of the Whole/Council later this Fall.


CAO Skinner briefed Committee on Asset Management and its purpose explaining the how each asset is to be identified and assessed via a deterioration curve. CAO Skinner confirmed that various roads in the Town are constructed differently and therefore every road as an asset would have its own distinct deterioration curve and treatment and maintenance would have varying costs.  CAO Skinner noted that it will be the decision of Council to make strategic decisions regarding what budget funds should be allocated to various assets as presented by Staff.  Acting Treasurer, Jennifer Graham confirmed the recommendation in Staff Report T2024-20 and reviewed next steps for assessment management and financial strategy.

Acting Treasurer Graham and CAO Skinner took questions and received comments from Committee regarding MAT and whether Staff are considering revenues to be obtained; the benefit of providing Council with details and data which can be used for comparative analysis with other municipalities; the importance of financial sustainability; and concern with generically approving a plan. 

  • RES-417-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Staff Report T2024-20, 2024 Non-core Asset Management Plan (AMP) (Written Document), be received;


    AND THAT Council herein approve the Town of Collingwood Asset Management Plan – Non-Core Assets as presented.





  • RES-418-2024
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT the following minutes of Other Committees and Boards be received and the recommendations contained be approved:

    • Accessibility Advisory Committee - June 20, 2024
    • Collingwood Heritage Committee - July 4, 2024
    • Collingwood Downtown BIA Board of Management - July 11, 2024
    • Collingwood Downtown BIA Board of Management - August 8, 2024



Staff addressed questions and comments regarding the status update on the maintenance of damaged utility boxes and duplicate utility poles, noting that Staff will be communicating with the appropriate utility companies to ensure that they are being regularly maintained. 



Councillor Potts inquired to whether Staff have had any conversations with the Collingwood Minor Hockey Association regarding the new score clock, taking into consideration that the Association contributed funds for a score clock in 2018 and whether their original contribution could be acknowledged.  Director Cubitt confirmed that she spoke with the Collingwood Blues regarding the matter and that Staff are satisfied with their assessment and decision to purchase a new score clock at the Eddie Bush Memorial Arena. 

Councillor Potts further noted that the sound system in both the Eddie Bush and Central Park Arena require upgrades. Director Cubitt confirmed that the sound system in both arenas will come forward for consideration during the upcoming budget discussions. 



Councillor Doherty provided a high-level summary regarding the 2024 AMO Conference which various members of Council participated in. 



Councillor Jeffery noted that she has received confirmation of her appointment to the FCM Committee of the Whole and that she will be receiving Committee and Task Force assignments. 

Clerk Almas addressed a question from Council regarding a business on Third Street concerned with parking during patio season as vehicles are taking up parking spaces for long periods of time. It was noted that staff are aware of the concern and interim solutions are being explored in advance of the parking review study that will be completed in 2025. 



Deputy Mayor Fryer announced that Kristen Wilkinson, Amanda Stellings, Matt Jackson and Jenn Rae have been appointed to the Affordable Housing Task Force and confirmed that Staff are in the process of reviewing and finalizing the applications received for the position of a member with 'lived-experience'. 



CAO Skinner addressed a question from Council regarding the redevelopment of a new CCI Highschool, noting that lands are the key factor and that staff are working with the Board. CAO Skinner confirmed that she would keep Council apprised on any communication or advancements that are received from either Board. 

Staff addressed a question regarding the LAS Automated Speed Enforcement Opportunity, and confirmed that Staff are talking to LAS, and a potential presentation could be provided to Council if directed. 





Mayor Hamlin provided the following notice of motion for consideration at the next meeting: 

THAT Council herein request Staff consider options for increased education, trail patrols and/or increased fines to remind and encourage residents to keep their dogs on leash at all times, including other important trail etiquette, with input from the Trails and Active Transportation Advisory Committee as may be needed. 

Councillor Jeffery provided the following notice of motion for consideration at the next meeting:  

WHEREAS Collingwood Council unanimously declared a Climate Crisis in October 2019 to demonstrate the Town's commitment to protecting the community, economy, and ecosystems from the effects of climate change.

AND WHEREAS Climatic changes can result in a variety of unintended consequences.

AND WHEREAS the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) under its climate initiatives support programming in the Green Municipal Fund (GMF) has available a Community Efficiency Funding (CEF) grant.

AND WHEREAS the CEF is funding to complete a feasibility study for the development of a Home Energy Loan Program, for which the funding application and the feasibility study is proposed to be prepared in partnership with the Clean Air Partnership (CAP).

AND WHEREAS the CEF grant requires a municipal contribution of 20% of the total $50,000 cost which is refundable.

AND WHEREAS it is necessary to establish third party lending as part of the feasibility.

AND WHEREAS the Town of Collingwood has a Climate Change Specialist on staff to implement Town initiatives.

AND WHEREAS the Town of Collingwood has available to it a dedicated, committed and resourceful volunteer organization in the Collingwood Climate Action Team (CCAT).

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that Council direct that an application by the Town of Collingwood in partnership with the Clean Air Partnership be made to the Community Efficiency Funding grant to complete a feasibility study to develop a Home Energy Loan Program.

Councillor Doherty noted she may provide a notice of motion at a future meeting to request Staff to provide a Staff Report with review of the Town's Parking Standards and Policies. 


  • RES-419-2024
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Steve Perry

    THAT Council herein rise from Committee of Whole and return to the regular Council meeting.



  • RES-420-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Christopher Baines
    Seconded by:Councillor Brandon Houston

    THAT By-law No. 2024-063, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the regular meeting of Council held September 9, 2024, be enacted and passed this 9th day of September, 2024.




Moved by Councillor Potts

THAT the Council meeting be hereby adjourned at 5:42 p.m. CARRIED.

No Item Selected