THAT Staff Report P2024-30, “Approval and Authorization By-law to Execute a Site Plan Control Agreement and Approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to Remove a Holding (H) Zone symbol – 11589 Highway 26 (Cranberry Marsh Estates)” dated November 18, 2024 be received;
AND THAT Site Plan Application File D11322 be approved subject to the following conditions:
- Confirmation of municipal servicing capacity allocation;
- Resolution of any outstanding minor technical comments, including any associated plan revisions, to the satisfaction of Town departments and third-party peer reviewers;
- Written correspondence from the registered owner of 11555 Highway 26 granting permission to conduct off-site grading along the shared eastern property boundary and the associated removal of affected boundary trees;
- Approval of Minor Variance D1310724 by the Committee of Adjustment; and
- Resolution of the following prior to execution of the Site Plan Control Agreement to the satisfaction of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA):
o Issuance of all required permits by NVCA;
o Payment of the required development fees in accordance with the NVCA’s Fees Policy under the Conservation Authorities Act; and
o Execution of the Wetland Compensation Agreement by the Owner and NVCA, including payment of the associated fees as outlined in the Agreement;
- Execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement with the Town of Collingwood;
AND THAT an Authorization By-law to execute the Site Plan Control Agreement for a residential development at 11589 Highway 26 be enacted and passed;
AND THAT this conditional Site Plan approval shall lapse three years from the date that the conditional approval was issued should a permit under the Building Code Act to implement the site plan not be issued;
AND THAT a Zoning By-law Amendment to remove the Holding Ten (H10) Zone symbol from 11589 Highway 26 be enacted and passed.