Council - Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Council Chambers and by Videoconference
97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood ON
Council Present:
  • Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
  • Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
  • Councillor Kathy Jeffery
  • Councillor Deb Doherty
  • Councillor Chris Potts
  • Councillor Rob Ring
  • Councillor Christopher Baines
  • Councillor Steve Perry
Council Absent:
  • Councillor Brandon Houston
Staff Present:
  • Sonya Skinner, CAO
  • Sara Almas, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Amanda Pegg, Executive Director, Customer and Corporate Services
  • Karen Cubitt, Director, Parks Recreation and Culture
  • Peggy Slama, Director, Public Works and Engineering
  • Summer Valentine, Director of Planning, Building and Economic Development
  • Jennifer Graham, Treasurer
  • Jenny Haines, Administrative Coordinator

Sustainable, Connected, Vibrant

Collingwood is an inclusive community that offers a healthy and active lifestyle in a beautiful waterfront setting, anchored by a responsible government, strong business and nonprofit networks, and an animated downtown.



Mayor Hamlin called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and Councillor Perry provided the recognition and acknowledgement of the traditional territory of the Indigenous peoples.


  • RES-179-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    THAT the content of the Council-Committee of the Whole Agenda for December 16, 2024 be adopted as amended:

    • Addition of the by-law for Item 8.5 Municipal Accommodation Tax By-law
    • Addition of the by-law for Item 8.6 Municipal Accommodation Tax Reserve By-law
    • Addition of Item 8.7 Delegated Authority Amendments By-law
    • Addition of Item 10.4 Collingwood Girls Hockey Association - Request for Support for the Collingwood Thundersnow Classic Tournament
    • Addition of Item 14.2.1 T2024-27 2025 Municipal Budget Draft 3 Staff Report
    • Addition of Item 14.2.4 PRC2024-07 Multi Use Recreation Centre Feasibility Assessment Steering Committee Staff Report
    • Addition under Other Business: FCM Advocacy Days
    • Addition under Other Business: AMO Year End Meeting 



Deputy Mayor Fryer declared a Non-Pecuniary Code of Conduct Disqualifying Interest to Item 14.2.3 Staff Report PW2024-15 Accessible Taxi Survey, Outcome and Recommendations as his sibling has ownership of Ace Cabs and requested that the recommendation be severed.



Council reported on various community announcements and events. 



Morgane Dunot, Bilingual Program Supervisor with the County of Simcoe briefed Council on Simcoe County Local Immigration Partnership (LIP) and outlined the purpose of community-based planning, reviewed immigration information based on the 2021 census, statistics on language and data on racialized populations.  Survey responses were reviewed regarding immigrants’ experiences living in Simcoe County noting challenges and experiences with settling and belonging. Morgane Dunot concluded with a review of the Community Action Plan and opportunities for the Town of Collingwood. 

David Finbow addressed Council on behalf of the owner of 247 Osler Bluff Road requesting Council direct Town Staff to bring forward an amendment to Licensing By-law No. 2048-078 for Council’s consideration to permit the continuation of the legal non-conforming STA use located at 247 Osler Bluff Road. Mr. Finbow provided Council with a history of the property confirming that the current owner has used the house continuously since 2002 as a STA without issue and that the use of the premises as a STA is legal non-conforming, which is protected under the Planning Act.

Helen Montoux, President of Whisperwoods Condominiums spoke regarding the Cranberry Marsh Development and concerns regarding the lack of visitor parking; anticipation that visitors will use the designated visitor parking on the Whisperwoods property; that they will be responsible for towing and monitoring; noted the Town’s Traffic Study is outdated; and expressed concern with drainage in the Cranberry Marsh area. Helen Montoux noted concern with the size of the development, that the structure will look down onto the bedrooms and patios of their condominiums. Helen Montoux requested that the Town re-visit the parking situation, update the Traffic Study and save as many trees on their side of the property as possible. 

Andrew Pascuzzo spoke on behalf of Doug and Rhonda Green, owners of Greentree Nurseries, 11555 Highway 26, confirming correspondence sent to Council on December 2 and reviewed outstanding concerns raised. Andrew Pascuzzo noted that he is looking forward to discussions and dialogue pertaining to the development and Council’s decision moving forward.  




  • RES-180-2024
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT the minutes of Council-Committee of the Whole meeting held December 2, 2024 (excluding Committee of the Whole recommendations) and the Council meeting held December 9, 2024 be approved as presented.



  • RES-181-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Rob Ring
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT the Committee of the Whole recommendations from its meeting held 2nd December 2024 contained within the December 2, 2024, Council minutes be hereby approved as presented.

    • T2024-26 2025 Budget Draft Two
    • T2024-24 2025 Fees and Charges By-law (amended)
    • T2024-25 Statement of Reserves and Reserve Funds
    • Reports/Minutes of Other Committees and Boards
  • RES-182-2024
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Staff Report P2024-30, “Approval and Authorization By-law to Execute a Site Plan Control Agreement and Approval of a Zoning By-law Amendment to Remove a Holding (H) Zone symbol – 11589 Highway 26 (Cranberry Marsh Estates)” dated November 18, 2024 be received;  

    AND THAT Site Plan Application File D11322 be approved subject to the following conditions:

    • Confirmation of municipal servicing capacity allocation;
    • Resolution of any outstanding minor technical comments, including any associated plan revisions, to the satisfaction of Town departments and third-party peer reviewers;
    • Written correspondence from the registered owner of 11555 Highway 26 granting permission to conduct off-site grading along the shared eastern property boundary and the associated removal of affected boundary trees;
    • Approval of Minor Variance D1310724 by the Committee of Adjustment; and
    • Resolution of the following prior to execution of the Site Plan Control Agreement to the satisfaction of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority (NVCA):
      o    Issuance of all required permits by NVCA;
      o    Payment of the required development fees in accordance with the NVCA’s Fees Policy under the Conservation Authorities Act; and
      o    Execution of the Wetland Compensation Agreement by the Owner and NVCA, including payment of the associated fees as outlined in the Agreement;
    • Execution of a Site Plan Control Agreement with the Town of Collingwood;

    AND THAT an Authorization By-law to execute the Site Plan Control Agreement for a residential development at 11589 Highway 26 be enacted and passed;

    AND THAT this conditional Site Plan approval shall lapse three years from the date that the conditional approval was issued should a permit under the Building Code Act to implement the site plan not be issued;

    AND THAT a Zoning By-law Amendment to remove the Holding Ten (H10) Zone symbol from 11589 Highway 26 be enacted and passed.

  • RES-183-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Steve Perry
    Seconded by:Councillor Rob Ring

    THAT By-law No. 2024-089, being a by-law to authorize the execution of a site plan control agreement for land addressed as 11589 Hwy 26 (Cranberry Marsh), be enacted and passed this 16th day of December, 2024.

  • RES-184-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT By-law No. 2024-090, being a Zoning By-Law Amendment for land addressed as 11589 Hwy 26 (Cranberry Marsh), be enacted and passed this 16th day of December, 2024.

  • RES-185-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Steve Perry

    WHEREAS the recommendations contained within Staff Report P2024-31 “Municipal Servicing Capacity Allocation – 2024 Major Development Batch Approval” dated November 18, 2024, were approved by Council on December 2, 2024 with the exception of 11589 Highway 26 West (Cranberry Marsh Estates Residential Project) – File D11322;

    BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council allocate municipal servicing capacity to the following proposals for a total allocation of 22 SDUs of municipal water and 41 SDUs of municipal wastewater:

    • 11589 Highway 26 West (Cranberry Marsh Estates Residential Project) – File D1132





Community Transportation Coordinator Falcon provided a high-level review of the current transportation options the Town provides and noted recent changes such as the GIS Mapping; changes to TransitPLUS; advancements with Customer Service; rate changes; driver accessibility training and municipal and agency partnerships. Coordinator Falcon reviewed the future of transportation within the Town of Collingwood noting that an On-Demand pilot project will be introduced in 2025; the extension of routes; live mapping for website and app users; fleet additions and continued community engagement. 

Coordinator Falcon took comments and answered questions from Council regarding when in 2025 will the Poplar Sideroad route be implemented; the pilot On-Demand service; if the Wasaga Accessible mini-bus operates in Collingwood; if the budget for additional fleet is for larger or smaller buses; when the longer hours of operation will be implemented; if consideration has been made to extend the service routes to the City of Barrie Go Station; and if Staff have talked to employers and economic partners about areas they feel that people need to get to and from with public transportation.



Director Valentine provided an Ontario Land Tribunal update on the Huntingwood Trails East Development and the outcome of the tribunal decision, and Official Plan appeals noting information will be posted online to ensure that the public is aware of which sections of the Official Plan are impacted. 

Director Valentine provided Council with an update on the Poplar Health and Wellness Village MZO confirming that Staff continue to provide the province with quarterly updates as requested regarding the progress pertaining the work proposed under the MZO on Poplar Sideroad. Director Valentine noted that there are no updates regarding the status of the development since the last quarter. 


  • RES-187-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Rob Ring

    THAT Council herein receive the General Consent Agenda;

    AND FURTHER THAT the information and opinions provided in the General Consent Agenda Items are that of the author(s) and are not verified or approved as being correct. 

    10.1    Red Light Cameras in our Community
    10.2    Proclamation: The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
    10.3    Proclamation: The Salvation Army Week
    10.4    Collingwood Girls Hockey Association - Request for Support for the Collingwood Thundersnow Classic Tournament




Council inquired about the implementation of red light cameras. Director Slama confirmed that the results of a Traffic Study will justify their installation and that Staff would bring forward a report to Council.  Councillor Potts provided a notice of motion regarding this matter to obtain additional information.



Councillor Potts noted his intent to request notice be waived and seek support for funding from Council as requested by the Collingwood Girls Hockey Association. 



No update was provided. 



Deputy Mayor Fryer assumed the chair.

  • RES-188-2024
    Moved by:Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council reconsider Resolution No. RES-075-2024 which approved the 2025 Meeting Calendar. (2/3 vote required)

  • RES-189-2024
    Moved by:Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council direct Staff to draft a revised 2025 Meeting Calendar that provides for Council - Committee of the Whole meetings to be scheduled on opposite weeks as County Council meetings as much as possible;

    AND THAT Staff prepare the necessary by-law to amend the Procedural By-law to implement the changes to regular meeting dates.


    Mayor Hamlin resumed the role of Chair. 

  • RES-190-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer

    THAT Council herein waive notice of motion in accordance with the Procedural By-law to consider the proposed motion pertaining to the Collingwood Girls Hockey Association - Request for Support for the Collingwood Thundersnow Classic Tournament. 

  • RES-191-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Rob Ring

    THAT Council approve a 50% discount up to a max of $4,500 for the Collingwood Girls Hockey Association’s ice rental time that would be required January 17 to 19, 2025, for the Thundersnow Classic Tournament. 




Proceed In-Camera

  • RES-192-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Steve Perry
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    WHEREAS the Clerk hereby concurs the reason(s) for the in-camera session have been duly reviewed and considered and the matters are authorized under the exception provisions to conduct a closed session in accordance with the Municipal Act prior to proceeding into closed session;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Council proceeds in camera in order to address a matter pertaining to:

    • personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; (Item 13.2)
    • labour relations or employee negotiations; (Item 13.2)

    Items for Discussion: Pay Policy Review


Pay Policy Review


Rise (and Report if available)

  • RES-193-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    THAT Council herein rise from in-camera and return to open session.



  • RES-194-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Rob Ring

    THAT Council herein move into Committee the Whole Session.




Mayor Hamlin confirmed that as per the Town’s Procedural By-law it is the role of the Mayor to Chair the meeting during budget deliberations and assumed the Chair.

Treasurer Graham provided Committee outlining changes presented in the third draft of the budget, reviewed the blended tax rates, asset management updated funding gaps and next steps.

Mayor Hamlin called for public comment. Peter Heinke spoke regarding the Georgian Bay Accelerator and requested consideration of his budget request presented in November. 

  • RES-195-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Rob Ring
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Staff Report T2024-27 titled “2025 Budget Draft Three”, dated December 16, 2024, be received for information.

  • RES-196-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Rob Ring

    THAT Council approve $130,000 for the Georgian Bay Accelerator Program be added to the draft 2025 budget.

  • RES-197-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council approved $25,000 for a Maintenance and Beautification Staff Resource for the Downtown BIA for a period of one year be added to the draft 2025 Budget. 

  • RES-198-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Christopher Baines
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Council approve $275,000 for the Non-Union Paid Policy Review (Pay Policy P55 implementation) be added to the draft 2025 budget. 

  • RES-199-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer

    THAT Council approve $115,000 in support of Non-Union Employee Benefits be added to the draft 2025 budget.


    Deputy Mayor Fryer assumed the position of Chair at this time. 

  • RES-200-2024
    Moved by:Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Council approve $31,500 per year for 10 years to the Georgian Triangle Humane Society be added into the 2025 Budget.

  • RES-201-2024
    Moved by:Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council approve $300,000 to go toward the Multi-Use Recreational Facility and Arts Center from reserves in the draft 2025 Budget. 


    Mayor Hamlin assumed the role of Chair. 

  • RES-202-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Rob Ring
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT in accordance with the Procedural By-law, the meeting be extended past the five hour limit by an additional hour.

  • RES-203-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer

    THAT Council direct Staff to investigate alternatives to support accessibility needs, in lieu of hiring a full-time Accessibility Coordinator.


    Committee recessed for five minutes. Councillor Ring assumed the Chair. 

Manager Harrod briefed Committee on the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) reviewing the background of the program, reviewed the requirements to establish an AMPS, main components of the By-law and AMP Process, reviewed the financial impacts, and next steps. Manager Harrod received comments from Committee regarding consideration to use the acronymous MAPS as opposed to AMPS; and why parking fines are not included. 

  • RES-204-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Staff Report C2024-10, Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) By-law, be received;  

    AND THAT Council enact the Administrative Monetary Penalty System By-law, attached in Appendix 1; and, 

    AND THAT Council enact the Screening and Hearing Officer By-law, attached in Appendix 2. 


Community Transportation Coordinator Falcon provided Committee with a high-level review on the outcomes and recommendations of the Accessible Taxi Survey, reviewed the background of the Town’s Taxi Service and current state of accessible Taxi’s in Collingwood and confirmed consultation with the Accessibility Advisory Committee and reviewed next steps.

  • RES-205-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT Staff Report PW2024-15, Accessible Taxi Survey, Outcomes and Recommendations be received;  

    AND THAT Council endorse the next steps outlined in the report for the enhancement of the Town’s transit services provided through Colltrans and TransitPLUS, as the Town’s commitment to accessible transportation services within the Town of Collingwood, and

    AND THAT Council direct staff to work with Landmark to increase the operating hours of service for Colltrans and TransitPLUS to 6am to 11pm, seven days a week starting as soon as possible. 


    Deputy Mayor Fryer left the Council Chambers due to his conflict declared earlier in the meeting.

  • RES-206-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    AND THAT Council direct staff to provide 30 days notice of cancellation of the ACE Cabs accessible taxi service contract, with service to cease as of January 30, 2024


    Deputy Mayor Fryer returned to the Council Chambers.

Director Cubitt provided an overview of the staff report and confirmed that Staff have prepared the Terms of Reference for a Steering Committee for the next steps of a potential Multi-Use Recreation Facility (MURF). 

  • RES-207-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Staff Report PRC2024-07, Collingwood Multi-Use Recreation Facility Steering Committee Terms of Reference, be received.  

    [Pending Council Debate]
    AND THAT Council adopt a Collingwood Multi-Use Recreation Facility Steering Committee;

    AND FURTHER THAT Council approve the draft Terms of Reference for the Collingwood Multi-Use Recreation Facility Steering Committee as presented.





  • RES-208-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT the following minutes of Other Committees and Boards be received and the recommendations contained be approved:

    • Collingwood Downtown BIA Board of Management Meeting - October 10, 2024 
    • Accessibility Advisory Committee Meeting - October 17, 2024
    • Collingwood Public Library Board Meeting - October 24, 2024 
    • Collingwood Heritage Committee Meeting - November 7, 2024








Councillor Jeffery provided Committee with an update on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) Advocacy Days noting the various topics of discussion and the dignitaries who were in attendance. 



Councillor Doherty provided a review of the work that AMO has done in 2024 and reviewed the priorities set for 2025.  



Councillor Potts noted that the BIA Board of Management has discussed the use of the Transit Terminal at Pine Street and Second Street and if consideration could be made to incorporate a tourist information centre, or potentially other options at this location to reduce loitering and will further discuss with staff.



Councillor Potts provided notice that he will be bringing forward a motion regarding additional information to consider the potential implementation of red light cameras enforcement. 


  • RES-209-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Christopher Baines
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer

    THAT Council herein rise from Committee of Whole and return to the regular Council meeting.



  • RES-210-2024
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT By-law No. 2024-100, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the regular meeting of Council held December 16, 2024, be enacted and passed this 16 day of December, 2024.




Moved by: Councillor Potts 

THAT the Council meeting be hereby adjourned at 7:57 p.m. CARRIED. 

No Item Selected