Council - Committee of the Whole Meeting Minutes

Council Chambers and by Videoconference
97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood ON
Council Present:
  • Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
  • Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
  • Councillor Kathy Jeffery
  • Councillor Deb Doherty
  • Councillor Chris Potts
  • Councillor Rob Ring
  • Councillor Christopher Baines
  • Councillor Steve Perry
Council Absent:
  • Councillor Brandon Houston
Staff Present:
  • Sara Almas, Director of Legislative Services/Clerk
  • Karen Cubitt, Director, Parks Recreation and Culture
  • Summer Valentine, Director of Planning, Building and Economic Development
  • Jennifer Graham, Treasurer

Sustainable, Connected, Vibrant

Collingwood is an inclusive community that offers a healthy and active lifestyle in a beautiful waterfront setting, anchored by a responsible government, strong business and nonprofit networks, and an animated downtown.



Mayor Hamlin called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. and Councillor Doherty provided the recognition and acknowledgement of the traditional territory of the Indigenous peoples.


  • RES-009-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Rob Ring

    THAT the content of the Council-Committee of the Whole Agenda for January 13, 2025 be adopted as amended:

    • Addition of Item 11.1 M. Rich re: Disclosure of Collingwood Blues Contract
    • Addition of Item 14.2.1 2025 Budget Draft 4 Staff Report



Deputy Mayor Fryer noted that he declared a non pecuniary code of conduct disqualifying interest regarding Resolution 206-2024 at the December 16, 2024 meeting, pertaining to Staff Report PW2024-15 and recommendations regarding Accessible Taxi and requested that item 7.3.1 be severed. 



Deputy Mayor Fryer announced that Jane Truemner and Laurel McCorriston have been selected as the recipients of the $25,000 seed funding initiative introduced by Council through the 2024 budget process.  The objective of the funding is to help kick-start a new or existing organization to help achieve more affordable housing units within Collingwood. The recipients intend to use the seed funds to create a new Non-Profit Housing Corporation that will develop, build, and operate, affordable, safe, and sustainable housing for moderate income residents currently shut out of the housing market in Collingwood. 



Council reported on various community announcements and events.



Dave Epp, President of the Collingwood Minor Hockey Association (CMHA) expressed concerns on behalf of the Association regarding the lack of ice-time available in Collingwood.  The lack of ice-time is impacting the Girls Hockey Association, the Skating Club and private groups. Dave Epp confirmed that CHMA is in favour of a MURF, noting that there is a high demand for hockey and Collingwood is a growing community. The Ontario Hockey Federation (OHF) has recently announced a no-boundaries / no-boarders rule and kids can play in any municipality they want, with concern expressed for Collingwood as there will be growth in registration and the CMHA will have to turn players away. 

David Epp answered questions and took comments from Council regarding the municipal boundaries, use of the outdoor rink and the ability to enclose the outdoor rink; if consideration has been made to ensure that local groups and organizations get ice time before opening it to out of town organizations; infrastructure costs associated with rinks and change rooms, and artificial ice opportunities. 

Councillor Jeffery provided the following draft notice of motion: 

THAT Council direct staff to develop a plan to address the maximized facility availability for ice time for both CMHA and the Lightening, which plan will also include for consideration a capital plan for the enclosure of the outdoor ice rink including dressing rooms and the existing washrooms on-site.



Mayor Hamlin reviewed the process regarding the public meeting requirements.  Community Planner Rose briefed Council on the Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for 9880 Beachwood Road, Town File Number: D141124. 

Community Planner Rose confirmed notice of public meeting; provided a review of the development process; application details and site context; reviewed the conceptual site plan; confirmed official plan designation, existing and proposed zoning By-law amendment. 

The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to establish site-specific zoning provisions to facilitate a proposed future Consent application to create two residential lots for single detached dwellings.

The effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is:

  1. To rezone a portion of the subject property from Residential First Density (R1) to a Residential First Density Exception XX (R1-XX) Zone to establish site-specific provisions to permit a reduction of the required minimum lot area from 1,400 square metres to 873 square meters and a reduction of the required minimum lot frontage from 20 metres to 13 metres for a single detached dwelling; and
  2. To rezone a portion of the subject property from Residential First Density (R1) to a Residential First Density Exception XX (R1-XX) Zone to establish site-specific provisions to permit a reduction of the required minimum lot area from 1,400 square metres to 867 square meters and a reduction of the required minimum lot frontage from 20 metres to 12.91 metres for a single detached dwelling.

Community Planner Rose confirmed comments received to date and next steps.

Krystin Rennie, Registered Professional Planner with Georgian Planning Solutions, on behalf of the applicant, confirmed the Zoning By-law Amendment, reviewed supporting documents, site location and surrounding uses, and reviewed the composition of the main house and the additional dwelling unit. 

Mayor Hamlin opened the floor for public comments. There were no comments from the public.

Mayor Hamlin closed public comments and opened comments to Council.  Community Planner Rose and Krystin Rennie answered questions from Council regarding the square footage; whether the lots will be serviced; and if there are concerns with a septic tank on the size of the lot. Mayor Hamlin closed the public meeting. 




  • RES-010-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Steve Perry
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    THAT the minutes of Council-Committee of the Whole meeting held December 16, 2024 (excluding Committee of the Whole recommendations), Special Council meeting held December 20, 2024 and Special Council meeting held January 6, 2025, be approved as presented.



  • RES-011-2025
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT the Committee of the Whole recommendations from its meeting held December 16, 2024 contained within the December 16, 2024, Council minutes be hereby approved as presented.

    • T2024-27 2025 Municipal Budget Draft Three
    • C2024-11 Administrative Monetary Penalty System
    • PW2024-15 Accessible Taxi Survey, Outcome and Recommendation
    • PRC2024-07 Multi Use Recreation Centre Feasibility Assessment Steering Committee Options
    • Reports/Minutes of Other Committees and Boards

    Deputy Mayor Fryer left the meeting due to his declaration of Conflict provided earlier in the meeting regarding Ace Cabs. 

  • RES-012-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    THAT Council direct staff to provide 30 days notice of cancellation of the ACE Cabs accessible taxi service contract, with service to cease as of January 30, 2024


    Deputy Mayor Fryer returned to the meeting. 





  • RES-013-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Rob Ring
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT the following By-laws be hereby enacted and passed this 13th day of January, 2025.

    • By-law No. 2025-002, being a by-law to appoint a Deputy Treasurer - Justin Weber
    • By-law No. 2025-003, being a by-law to establish an Administrative Monetary Penalties System
    • By-law No. 2025-004, being a by-law regarding Screening and Hearing Officers for the Administrative Monetary Penalty System



Director Valentine provided Council with an operational update on the Development Process and Fees Review Implementation noting the project objectives pertaining to process and fees. Director Valentine highlighted progress on process recommendations noting actions that are substantially complete, in-flight or planned for 2025. Director Valentine concluded by identified risks. 

Director Valentine took comments and answered questions from Council regarding confirmation on whether the cost of implementation is an annual fee or a one-time amount; if fee changes will be reflected in the 2025 budget; has costs associated with Staff time or additional costs been considered; and confirmation that year one of a three year program would fall in the third or forth quarter of 2025. 


  • RES-014-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Steve Perry

    THAT Council herein receive the General Consent Agenda;

    AND FURTHER THAT the information and opinions provided in the General Consent Agenda Items are that of the author(s) and are not verified or approved as being correct. 


    M.Rich re: Disclosure of Collingwood Blues Contract


    Councillor Ring requested that Item 11.1 M.Rich re: Disclosure of Collingwood Blues Contract, be pulled for discussion during Committee of the Whole. 



Deputy Mayor Fryer provided  County County update noting applications are being accepted for its 2025 Tourism, Culture and Sport Enhancement Fund.  Deputy Mayor Fryer noted that a report will be coming forward to County Council regarding a provincial application for encampment funding and provided Council with an overview of the request and recommendation being put forward and addressed questions regarding funding received by Wasaga Beach for warming centers; the status on the County’s initiative to assist vulnerable people on the streets of Collingwood; and consideration to get proof of communication regarding the warming center options put forward.




  • RES-015-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    WHEREAS the Town of Collingwood’s Strategic Plan states the “prioritization of the speed and safety components of the Master Mobility and Transportation to support a people centric approach to transportation”, the Town strives “to offer residents and visitors a healthy lifestyle of activities in beautiful and safe settings,” and outlines the intent of the Town of Collingwood to deliver a Traffic Calming Study and policy; 
    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council request Staff to facilitate a presentation to Council on Red Light Camera Enforcement technology for information purposes either in conjunction with the Automatic Speed Enforcement presentation or a later date in the near future, in preparation of the outcome of the Master Mobility and Transportation Plan. 



  • RES-016-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Christopher Baines
    Seconded by:Councillor Steve Perry

    THAT Council herein move into Committee the Whole Session.


    Council took a 10 minute recess. 





Mayor Hamlin confirmed that as per the Town’s Procedural By-law it is the duty of the Mayor to Chair the meeting during budget deliberations and assumed the role of Chair. Treasurer Graham briefed Council on the Budget process to date. 

  • RES-017-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer

    THAT Staff Report T2025-01, 2025 Budget Draft Four, be received.


  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT Council approve increasing the special capital level by 1.5% ($609,000) and taking the differential off the tax rate.

  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council approve separating out the amounts for base capital, general tax, and special capital level on the tax bill insert to ensure that the public is aware of the work being done and funds allocated.

  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Councillor Deb Doherty
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council approve $275,00 from the non-union pay policy compensation line item be included in the 2025 budget, benefit enhancements in the amount of $115,000 be removed, $95,000 for the AODA Coordinator position be postponed for one year, and the land reserve be reduced by $50,000. 

  • Deputy Mayor Fryer assumed the role of Chair. 

    Moved by:Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council direct Staff to meet with representatives from theatre collingwood and bring back a recommendation at the next Council meeting regarding their funding needs. 


    Mayor Hamlin assumed the role of Chair. 

  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT Council direct staff to increase the estimates for the interest income for PPNs in the amount of $760,000 for the 2025 forecast (currently $655,000).  


    Deputy Mayor Fryer assumed the role of Chair. 

  • Amendment:
    Moved by:Mayor Yvonne Hamlin
    Seconded by:Councillor Rob Ring

    THAT Council direct Staff to use the additional $105,000 from the interest review for a strategic financial planning resource and non-union salary review if required during 2025 for consideration in the 2026 budget.


    Mayor Hamlin assumed the role of Chair. 

  • RES-027-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery
    Seconded by:Councillor Steve Perry

    AND THAT a By-law to approve the 2025 budget, as amended, be drafted for consideration at the next meeting.


    Committee took a 10 minute recess. 

    Councillor Ring assumed the role of Chair. 

Director Valentine briefed Committee on the background of the Comprehensive Zoning By-law Update and introduced Donna Hinde and Joe Nethery, consultants from The Planning Partnership.

Donna Hinde briefed Committee on engagement methods and highlighted feedback received and key themes that came out the engagements. Joe Nethery briefed Committee on the five strategic directions, topics, discussion and policy direction put forward in Phase One and reviewed next steps confirming that the refining of the Draft Zoning By-law and Project Summary Report will be prepared in the second quarter of 2025.

Senior Planner Nathan Wukasch, provided Committee with an overview of the recommendations put forward by Staff and an approximate project timeline, next steps and review of the project timeline.

The consultants and Staff answered questions and took comments from Committee regarding the importance of ensuring reader comprehension; ability to provide plain language in the document;  consideration of the Downtown Visioning Master Plan; clarification on the term 'form-based zoning'; the process for recently approved zoning by-law amendments that will no longer conform to the updated By-law; consideration of the current OLT appeal; and how mixed use throughout the Town can be encouraged to assist with providing more rental housing units. 

  • RES-028-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Staff Report P2025-01, “Zoning By-law Update – Strategic Directions Report and Engagement Summary Report”, dated January 13, 2025, be received;  

    AND THAT Council endorse the Strategic Directions and Engagement Summary Report dated January 7, 2025 and attached to this Report as Appendix B to act as a guiding framework for the preparation of a new draft comprehensive zoning by-law for the Town of Collingwood. 


Deputy Clerk Dahl provided Committee with an overview of the criteria set by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (AGCO) for Special Occasion Permits (SOP) and designation requirements for events open to the public to be deemed as municipally significant. Delegated authority was provided to the Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Clerk or written designate, to designate an event as being municipally significant. With the short turn-around for these requests, the policy confirms that the decision made by staff would be final. Deputy Clerk Dahl confirmed that a fee has been applied to providing this service to assist in recouping administrative time associated with processing these requests and that Staff are seeking Council’s support by approving the proposed Designation of Municipally Significant Events Policy. 

Deputy Clerk Dahl answered questions and received comments from Committee regarding providing this service and forgoing the and fees applicable to these requests. 

  • RES-029-2025
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Deb Doherty

    THAT Staff Report C2025-01, Designation of Municipally Significant Events Policy, be received;  

    AND THAT Council approve the Designation of Municipally Significant Events Policy as provided in Appendix A of the report. 





  • RES-030-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT the following minutes of Other Committees and Boards be received and the recommendations contained be approved:

    • Collingwood Downtown BIA Board of Management - November 14, 2024
    • Trails and Active Transportation Advisory Committee - November 14, 2024
    • Accessibility Advisory Committee - November 21, 2024 






Councillor Potts acknowledged correspondence received from businesses in the area of the Bus Terminal with concern that their operations are being impacted by the patrons loitering at the Bus Terminal and concern for the safety of residents and transit users. Councillor Potts noted his discussions with the BIA Board of Management and options being considered regarding the use of that space, and noted concerns with security enforcement of the building and the use the public washrooms or use the facility continuing to be compromised due to ongoing loitering. 

Clerk Almas noted that the Bus Terminal is going to be discussed at the upcoming Collingwood OPP Detachment Board meeting and that the Town has identified this of an area of concern to the County.  

Councillor Potts requested clarification on who enforces overnight parking during the winter months, and expressed concerns that on-street parking is a huge challenge for snow plow operators. Clerk Almas confirmed that Town by-laws are enforced by the OPP after-hours and the OPP have been notified as such. By-law enforcement staff have been scheduled to undertake some overnight parking enforcement in addition to what is provided by the OPP. 



Councillor Baines provided notice of motion regarding support being provided by other municipalities to implement MPAC Market Value Assessments.

Councillor Jeffery provided the following notice of motion:  

THAT Council direct staff to review the Order of Collingwood/Companion to the Order policy to recommend an amendment that would allow in exceptional/extraordinary circumstances for a recipient to receive the order and companion to the order simultaneously or less than a 5 year separation.

Councillor Doherty provided notice of motion to seek Councils endorsement in support of AMO's report on Ending Chronic Homelessness in Ontario. 

Councillor Ring provided the following notice of motion:  

Whereas in 2022 the Town of Collingwood made available to the public the 2019 Tenancy Contract with the Collingwood Blues Organization and;

Whereas the Town of Collingwood has entered into a new Tenancy Agreement with the Collingwood Blues Organization and;

Whereas in the Collingwood Today article dated November 23rd 2024 by Ms. Jessica Owen and titled “Here’s what’s in the new Collingwood Blues Contract”, that the co-owner has released the contract to the Collingwood Today Reporter albeit somewhat redacted;

Therefore be it resolved that Collingwood Council hereby direct the CAO and Clerk to post the whole 2024 Collingwood Blues Tenancy agreement for the public and various other ice users to read.


  • RES-031-2025
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT Council herein rise from Committee of Whole and return to the regular Council meeting.



  • RES-032-2025
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Kathy Jeffery

    THAT Council herein waive notice in accordance with the Procedural By-law to consider a motion pertaining to installing a memorial plaque at the Eddie Bush Memorial Arena to recognize Dr. Don Paul. 

  • RES-033-2025
    Moved by:Deputy Mayor Tim Fryer
    Seconded by:Councillor Chris Potts

    WHEREAS Dr. Don Paul sadly passed away on December 6, 2024;

    AND WHEREAS Dr. Paul, a recipient of both the Order of Collingwood and the Companion of the Order of Collingwood, was a long-time community minded contributor to the well-being of Collingwood residents and visitors;

    AND WHEREAS Dr. Paul would attend hockey games and stand at a particular location along the railing at the Eddie Bush arena;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT a commemorative plaque, donated by Mr. William Redick on behalf of Dr. Paul’s family, can be appropriately installed on the railing in recognition of Dr. Paul’s community contributions over many years. 



  • RES-034-2025
    Moved by:Councillor Chris Potts
    Seconded by:Councillor Christopher Baines

    THAT By-law No. 2025-005, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the regular meeting of Council held January 13, 2025, be enacted and passed this 13 day of January, 2025.




Moved by Councillor Jeffery

THAT the Council meeting be hereby adjourned at 7:09 p.m. CARRIED. 

No Item Selected