Mayor Hamlin reviewed the process regarding the public meeting requirements. Community Planner Rose briefed Council on the Proposed Zoning By-law Amendment for 9880 Beachwood Road, Town File Number: D141124.
Community Planner Rose confirmed notice of public meeting; provided a review of the development process; application details and site context; reviewed the conceptual site plan; confirmed official plan designation, existing and proposed zoning By-law amendment.
The purpose of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is to establish site-specific zoning provisions to facilitate a proposed future Consent application to create two residential lots for single detached dwellings.
The effect of the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is:
- To rezone a portion of the subject property from Residential First Density (R1) to a Residential First Density Exception XX (R1-XX) Zone to establish site-specific provisions to permit a reduction of the required minimum lot area from 1,400 square metres to 873 square meters and a reduction of the required minimum lot frontage from 20 metres to 13 metres for a single detached dwelling; and
- To rezone a portion of the subject property from Residential First Density (R1) to a Residential First Density Exception XX (R1-XX) Zone to establish site-specific provisions to permit a reduction of the required minimum lot area from 1,400 square metres to 867 square meters and a reduction of the required minimum lot frontage from 20 metres to 12.91 metres for a single detached dwelling.
Community Planner Rose confirmed comments received to date and next steps.
Krystin Rennie, Registered Professional Planner with Georgian Planning Solutions, on behalf of the applicant, confirmed the Zoning By-law Amendment, reviewed supporting documents, site location and surrounding uses, and reviewed the composition of the main house and the additional dwelling unit.
Mayor Hamlin opened the floor for public comments. There were no comments from the public.
Mayor Hamlin closed public comments and opened comments to Council. Community Planner Rose and Krystin Rennie answered questions from Council regarding the square footage; whether the lots will be serviced; and if there are concerns with a septic tank on the size of the lot. Mayor Hamlin closed the public meeting.