Council Meeting Agenda

Council Chambers and by Videoconference
97 Hurontario Street, Collingwood ON

Sustainable, Connected, Vibrant
"Collingwood is an inclusive community that offers a healthy and active lifestyle in a beautiful waterfront setting, anchored by a responsible government, strong business and nonprofit networks, and an animated downtown"

This meeting can be viewed on Rogers TV at or on the Town of Collingwood - Municipal Meeting YouTube channel for those not able to attend in person. 



For more than 15,000 years, the First Nations walked upon, and cared for, the lands we now call home. Anishinaabek, Haudenosaunee, Ojibwe, and many others who were families, friends, and communities, the way we are today. The Town of Collingwood acknowledges the Lake Simcoe-Nottawasaga Treaty of 1818 and the relationship it establishes with the original inhabitants of Turtle Island. We acknowledge the reality of our shared history, and the current contributions of Indigenous people within our community. We seek to continue empowering expressions of pride amongst all of the diverse stakeholders in this area. We seek to do better, and to continue to recognize, learn, and grow, in friendship and community, Nation-to-Nation.


  • Recommendation:

    THAT the content of the Council Agenda for January 20, 2025 be adopted as presented.



Note: In accordance with the Council Code of Conflict, Procedural By-law and the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act, Council members must file with the Clerk a written statement of the conflict, for inclusion on the Conflict of Interest Registry.


  • Recommendation:

Proceed In-Camera

  • Recommendation:

    WHEREAS the Clerk hereby concurs the reason(s) for the in-camera session have been duly reviewed and considered and the matters are authorized under the exception provisions to conduct a closed session in accordance with the Municipal Act prior to proceeding into closed session;

    THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT this Council proceeds in camera in order to address a matter pertaining to:

    • a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board; (Item 4.3)
    • advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; (Item 4.2)
    • a position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. (Items 4.2)


    Items for Discussion are listed below as items 4.2 through to 4.3.

Legal Advice re: Agreements


Property Acquisition


Rise (and Report if available)

  • Recommendation:

    THAT Council herein rise from in-camera and return to open session.

  • Recommendation:

    THAT By-law No. 2025-006, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of the regular meeting of Council held January 20, 2025, be enacted and passed this 20th day of January, 2025.


No Item Selected